I have great hope for Wednesday night’s debate. Right now, the race seems pretty close. Maybe Mitt’s behind a little bit. But I’ve got to tell you, there’s something about that five percent undecided that makes me wonder. Don’t you think that at least one or two percent of those “undecided” demographic actually simply didn’t want to admit that they’re not voting for Obama.
Seriously, is there any societal downside to saying you’re voting for Obama? I think we’d all have to admit that those who are voting against Obama are immediately assumed to be racist by the media and at least some percentage of the populace. I absolutely suspect that there’s at least some people who would claim to be undecided while at least leaning Romney.
I still remember years ago, heading up to the bookstore counter with a bunch of books Thomas Sowell’s “Black Rednecks and White Liberals” and seeing a black woman at the counter and me hesitating. I didn’t want her to think I was racist. I stood there for a minute and tried to time it so I’d get the white receptionist next to her. But I messed up the math and I ended up getting checked out by the black lady. She saw the name of the book but she didn’t really react.
But Wednesday night is important because I’m sure that there are some who are actually undecided. I can’t imagine how but I’m sure there are. Look, Obama’s numbers can’t get above about 47 or 48 percent. That means Romney can absolutely still claim them. Here’s the thing –Mitt has not been able to overcome the aggressive media bias. Everything he says is labeled a gaffe. Everything. And every shortcoming of Obama’s is ignored. Completely. Wednesday night, at least for an hour or so, will be able to speak unfiltered straight to the American people. Sure, all the questions will have a liberal slant and Obama won’t get any tough questions whatsoever but this is Mitt’s opportunity to connect with the American people. And by connect I don’t mean in that way that we tried to during the convention (“I love women!!!). I mean Romney needs to show how Obama has failed this country and how Romney can do better. That shouldn’t be a tough thing to do considering Obama’s been an absolute disaster.
October 2, 2012 at 2:33 pm
And yet, Romney keeps promising us more disaster. How many wars do you think it takes before we are to weak to actually defend our own territory? I've seen him go wishy-washy on Obamacare, saying he'd keep part of it. I think he's pretty weak on taxes too- somehow, since the Bushes, we've all decided to put up with anemic little tax cuts that do very little. What can he say? Vote for me, the train will wreck slightly slower? Has he mentioned kicking out Bernanke? Trying Chief Justice Roberts as a traitor (that's what he is after that Obamacare decision)? He's got nothing and he's just depending on Obama's kindergarten mess to make him look good. It is pointless to vote when they don't field legitimate candidates. The only real reason for the change-over is that Romney is part of the Wall Street crowd rather than merely being sympathetic to them.
October 2, 2012 at 4:46 pm
You've got to ask yourself, is Romney better than Obama? Even the tiniest bit better means it's not "pointless to vote". In a second term, Obama could (will) make a hard left turn making his first term look like a model of competence and freedom. We need to stop moaning about Romney not being the perfect candidate. He's human, by definition he's not perfect. There's only been one perfect human, and the political party in power at the time crucified him.
October 2, 2012 at 4:46 pm
You've got to ask yourself, is Romney better than Obama? Even the tiniest bit better means it's not "pointless to vote". In a second term, Obama could (will) make a hard left turn making his first term look like a model of competence and freedom. We need to stop moaning about Romney not being the perfect candidate. He's human, by definition he's not perfect. There's only been one perfect human, and the political party in power at the time crucified him.
October 2, 2012 at 6:34 pm
@August: "vote for me, the train will wreck slightly slower" describes everything. From economics to life itself, it's all nothing more than ceaselessly pouring out sacrifices into an insatiable, thirsting void, lest it consume us all.
I'm sorry, what did you think the cosmos looked like?
October 2, 2012 at 8:06 pm
I thought the cosmos looked like 1776.
October 2, 2012 at 9:33 pm
@Sophia's Favorite,
The cosmos has no interest in your vote. Put your hand to growing food, building shelter, raising your children- there are many worthwhile sacrifices. The insanity that both Obama and Romney suggest we need to go through- not to mention the hard times they are using inflation, smoke, and mirrors in the hopes we won't notice- are not worthwhile sacrifices.
I can do a better job than these people. The only thing they seem to be good at is getting Americans to believe lies- like what they like to spread about Iran lately.
October 3, 2012 at 12:51 am
@ August: Which lies about Iran? You're an expert on geopolitics, nuclear proliferation, and foreign intelligence now?
And if you can do better than them, why don't you? Either overthrow the current system and set up one you like better, or try to make this one work as well as possible. Your neverending paeans to your own ideological purity doubtless amuse you very much, but they're of no value to anyone else.
October 3, 2012 at 4:55 pm
Trying Chief Justice Roberts as a traitor
This is why most of your comments are ignored by rational people. Chief Justice John Roberts' decision on the Obamacare case was no doubt an absurdity, but it does not make him a traitor to the United States of America. Seriously, get a grip.