The comedian/actor Jim Carrey tweeted earlier this week a hateful message about the Catholic Church mocking the sacrament of confession and the Church’s teaching on sexuality. Here they are:
I get ppl’s need 4 absolution bt being cleansed by a skunk won’t make u smell better.You can ask God directly. #themiddlemanispopeless ;^•>+
I knew the sickess in the catholic church all stems from the denial of human sexuality.Gay or straight. #denyingsexleavesyoupopeless 8^•>+
I don’t know about you but i may go off the rails if they don’t find a new Pope soon! #lifeispopeless
There r good Catholics bt if a good woman allows her kids 2 b molested by their step father bcuz she’s afraid 2 b alone, is that good? ;^>+
I just think denying who u really r while telling others who 2 b is hypocracy,but hey,worship wherever you want.U have my blessing. ;^P>+
Jim Carrey is very successful in Hollywood because he’s very funny, not because he’s informed or even coherent about the Catholic faith in which he was raised. I would inform Carrey that he’s wrong on many counts when it comes to the Catholic Church.
March 1, 2013 at 5:12 am
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March 1, 2013 at 6:26 am
You know, Patrick, you might consider that a lot of people feel the way Carrey does because the Church has been such a pathetic witness to the Triune God for far, far too long!
If you think Carrey feels that way, just wait until God gets ahold of people like Mahony, Law, Weakland, Daneels, Groer, et al…
Of course, the human race always had — and always will have — people who want nothing to do with God and will use any excuse to avoid Him (cf, Richard Dawkins). But when a Christian institution provides such an excuse by behavior for which it refuses to repent, then we're talking about God's reputation being sullied….and I don't think God is too keen on that.
Catholics should stop reflexively crying "anti-Catholic" whenever somebody says something negative about the church, and start demanding accountability from the people who claim to be successors to the Apostles. You may rest assured that God will do so…and perhaps even from the Church's "apologists."
March 1, 2013 at 6:47 am
BTW, regarding my last post….
March 1, 2013 at 11:55 am
You know, Patrick,
The blog post was written by Matthew.
you might consider that a lot of people feel the way Carrey does because the Church has been such a pathetic witness to the Triune God for far, far too long!
Jim Carrey mocked the sacrament of Reconciliation. I suspect the motivation was something less than your hobbyhorse obsessions.
March 1, 2013 at 7:21 pm
Who is Jim Carrey?
March 1, 2013 at 7:49 pm
A pathetic witness to the Triune God for far too long Hippolito? That's a joke. Just look at the brave witness of so many martyrs of the last century. You call that a "pathetic witness"? Who r u kidding? What does your post have anything to do with the topic at hand?
March 2, 2013 at 12:35 am
Paul, since when does concern about being a credible witness for the Triune God rank as a "hobbyhorse obsession"?
Or are you one of those Catholics who either can't see what's been going on or don't understand history?
As Confucious say, "Man who stick head in sand get (posterior) shot off!"
March 2, 2013 at 7:22 pm
Credible witness for the Triune God compared to whom? The monastery-looting nun-raping Protestants? The Rasputin-canonizing pogrom-preaching Orthodox?
Little boy, you know nothing of history. Everything you say on the subject has been utterly laughable. You make broad, sweeping generalizations completely without making comparisons—like people who make remarks about the Cold War but don't know how many people the Communists killed.
Also? Your "Confucius say" gag is hilarious. Tell us, Steppin Fetchit, will you be adding some blackface minstrelsy to your repertoire? As Confucius actually did say (Analects Ch. 2), "To think and not study is dangerous."
March 3, 2013 at 3:34 am
First, SF, the fact that exceptions exist to any generalization does not nullify it. All generalizations have exceptions; the point of generalizations is to underscore basic tendencies.
As far as knowing "nothing of history" is concerned, why don't you do some research on the "papal pornocracy," St. Peter Damian and "Liber Gomorrahianus," or the vision of Pope Leo XIII?
If you're all that intellectual as you present yourself to be, SF, then why don't you respond with an actual argument or research? Or did you get your degree in Theology from the Mark Shea Correspondence School Of Shoot-From-The Hip Pseudo-Analysis And Flippant Non-Discourse?
How many box tops did you have to mail in? Regardless of the amount, you got ripped off, big time.
Put up or shut up.
March 3, 2013 at 3:38 am
By the way, SF, the Catholic Church claims to have the "fullness of the Gospel" as the "One True Church." So if the Catholic Church fails to be a credible witness to the Triune God, it fails by its own stated standards!!
Did you know, SF, that judgement begins in the House of God? Read 1 Peter 4. Or Amos.
Oh, that's right. You don't need to read the Bible. You have the prelates interpret it for you. Now, if that's not a truly intellectual stance, then I don't know what is…. 😉
March 3, 2013 at 11:32 am
Attacking each other is not of God.
March 3, 2013 at 3:42 pm
Joseph Hippolitto, I ask you again what about the martrys of the last century? You didn't answer that question and skipped around it. Also, you sound like one of those Protestants who say that Rome sits under Heavens judgment! What utter nonsense. You forget that church is a museum not of saints but of sinners.
March 3, 2013 at 3:46 pm
Btw, Joseph Hippolito, St. Jerome tells us that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God." Your accusation that Catholics don't read the bible falls flat on its face.
March 3, 2013 at 5:06 pm
Self-righteous rage and anger is also not of God, but JDH has been practicing that on comboxes for years. Frankly at this point it's just boring.
March 4, 2013 at 5:01 am
Paul, to be "self-righteous" means to offer oneself as an example of righteousness. I'm not doing that. I am demanding the Catholic Church — and its membership — to evaluate its leaders by how they act and what they do, not by what they say. Is that too much to ask?
Self-righteous rage and anger is also not of God
Really? Why don't you ask the God Who destroyed the Earth by flood (saving only Noah's family), destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by fire (saving only Lot and his family), inspired such prophets as Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John the Baptist, motivated Jesus Himself to criticize the Pharisees…and ultimately will destroy this planet before creating a new Heaven and a new Earth.