In a story about the ACLU’s lawsuit against Catholic bishops, former Senator Rick Santorum was quoted as saying something that struck me as…well kinda un-Santorum-ish. Pewsitter caught it first and put it up pretty high. And rightly so, I think.
Here’s what Newsmax said:
Most Catholic hospitals are located in major cities that offer other options for patients or workers who may not agree with church doctrine, according to Santorum, a practicing Catholic who has been outspoken about what he believes are unconstitutional mandates barring biblical teachings in the public arena.
Should there be a situation where a Catholic facility is the only option, accommodations should be made, he added.
Accomodations should be made? What?
Here’s the video of the interview. He says it at about the 4 minute mark. He speaks a bit offhanded. It seems like this “accommodation” business is a bit aside the point he’s trying to make so he dismisses it casually in order to put it aside for his main point about the infringement of religious liberty. But that seems a pretty dangerous point to stipulate.
I know that some of you will point to Santorum’s endorsement of Arlen Specter over pro-life Pat Toomey as proof that he’s some sort of yellow-belly part-time pro-lifer. But I truly don’t think that’s the case.
Is there another sort of “accommodation” that I perhaps am not seeing? Something other than forcing a Catholic hospital to perform an abortion because there’s not another hospital within twenty miles or whatever distance they deem far enough? Is there something I’m not seeing?
December 4, 2013 at 6:51 pm
"Accommodations" — what a wonderful Goebbels-ish euphemism for murdering babies!
One is wise not to trust identity politics of any sort; "Republican" is as devoid of meaning as "Democrat."
December 4, 2013 at 6:55 pm
No, there's not another sort of "accommodation" that you're not seeing. And the fact that this surprises you is almost cute in its naïveté.
December 4, 2013 at 10:12 pm
Santorum is LIVING the Pro-Life example. I think it's pretty careless to infer from one lazy off-the-cuff comment that he was saying, "In that case, the hospital should perform an abortion".
December 4, 2013 at 10:58 pm
That's why I asked the question. But this man just ran for President and may again in a few years. I think his off-the-cuff comments demand scrutiny, don't you?
December 5, 2013 at 4:28 am
During the last primary election I tried to draw people's attention to an interview with Santorum on the Hannity Show. I had saved the audio at one point in time but Santorum clearly stated that he actively pushed through laws which provided contraceptives for the poverty stricken. Catholic my aunt fanny!
I've had fellow Catholics tell me at the time I should vote for him because he homeschools his children [he's one of us], because he's 'catholic' [one of us!], because they heard he attends the traditional Latin Mass [he's one of us!!] Oh please… Sorry but I'm convinced that 'politician' is actually a religion and not an office and when you become one you cease to be Catholic.
December 6, 2013 at 6:35 pm
! Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: BLOCKQUOTE
<blockquote>I think it's pretty careless to infer…that he (former US Senator Rick Santorum) was saying, "In that case, the hospital should perform an abortion".
<blockquote>That's why I asked the question.
–matthew archbold</blockquote>
Sure. But did you ask the question of Sen. Santorum directly? Let us know what is his response to your polite letter in which you asked the question of him when you get it.
Until then, I'll get back to trying to make sense out of the Pope's prepared and written messages of exhortation to the faithful. It's a lotta work. (I've given up on making sense of the Holy Father's off the cuff remarks, too much "that's not what he meant!" is put in the place where the explication should go.)
December 6, 2013 at 6:36 pm
"But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good: Oh Lord! Please don't let me be misunderstood …" –The Animals
I saw that somewhere.
December 6, 2013 at 10:45 pm
Yes, but what did Dog the Bounty Hunter have to say? This should be relevant since we are apparently interested in the opinions of men who have no present role in government but no realistic prospect for a future role, but who made the news sometime within the last decade.