An openly gay and married Boston College theology professor, John McDargh, in a video produced by the National Catholic Reporter, touts how students and faculty marched proudly behind a Boston College Banner in gay alliance parade right behind a pro-abortion mayor. He also adds that other faculty members vowed to work behind the scenes to ensure he became a tenured professor in case anyone objected to an openly gay and married Catholic theologian at a Catholic college.

None did.

McDargh also touts how colleagues wrote letters of recommendation for him to adopt a child along with the man he married.

In 2011, McDargh said he was an Episcopalian which leads to the question about why even a nominally Catholic media outlet would interview him about the Church.

In 2013, McDargh reportedly said, “There is no one in the chain of command in the Catholic Church who can have anything to say about what happens at Boston College.” That much is clear.

The relevant section of the video ends about 3:15 seconds in.
