Nothing wrong with her. We just need to broaden our classifications and add boxes to check. Sounds like a reality show is on the way.

Cry for help?

The Corner:

A male-to-female transgender woman who prefers the pronoun “it” says it believes it was born not only the wrong sex, but also the wrong species, and has been undergoing human-to-dragon transition procedures to fix the problem.

The 55-year-old, who was born “Richard Hernandez” but now goes by “Eva Tiamat Baphomet Medusa,” has already had a whole slew of transformative work done: Tooth extraction, eye coloring, horn implants, ear removal (!), nose modification and a procedure to give it a forked tongue. It’s also gotten tattoos and scarification on its face and chest to make it look like it has scales instead of human skin.

You ever think that a society saying it’s becoming more inclusive is just selfish and not caring enough to help anyone else?
