With all the problems in the world and in the Church, are the faithful Latin Mass goers the real problem?
Robert Royal, editor in chief of TheCatholicThing.org, Fr. Gerald Murray, priest of the Archdiocese of New York, and Peter Kwasniewski, author and liturgist, discuss the new Vatican edict concerning restrictions to the Traditional Latin Mass.
HT Big Pulpit
March 6, 2023 at 5:02 pm
The Church decreed in an ecumenical council that the Missal of 1962 should be reformed and a new liturgy adopted. Get with the program. All TLM promotion is at least implicitly anti-Vatican II and anti-Pope Francis. Some of it is virulently and explicitly anti-VII and anti-PF, such as with Peter Kwasniewski.
Trads are quasi-schismatics who happen to have a — for now — permissible way to celebrate Mass in union with the Church. When it comes down to the TLM eventually being banned, they will defect to the SSPX because they have made an idol out of the TLM and they value the TLM more than they do union with the Church.
March 6, 2023 at 7:24 pm
The council called for a modest reform of the Mass, NOT a “new” liturgy. That was the creation of the Consilium, with NO mandate from Vatican II. It is a totally Semper creation. The 1965 Missal is what Vatican II called for. “Get with the program”? How about learn facts and history. Most people who spout about Vatican II have never actually read the council’s documents (especially on liturgy). Vatican II is just ONE council – not the totality of the church – and has been so mis-interpreted as to render it impossible to explain to many well-meaning people. How many people know the official theme of Vatican II is “The Universal Call to Holiness”? Pope Francis is ONE Pope – not the totality of the church. His job is to preserve and transmit the Catholic Faith. If he acts like he can’t do the job, then criticism is not only fair, but necessary!
March 6, 2023 at 7:25 pm
Sorry, “separate” creation…not Semper.
March 6, 2023 at 7:48 pm
Vatican 2 and the Novus Ordo have been unmitigated disasters. In every single metric of health, the general Church is in free fall: belief in the real presence, adherence to doctrine, Mass attendance, vocations (both men’s and women’s), etc. There is only one group where these problems do not exist: Traditionalists. Their churches are full of young families who believe in the real presence and their seminaries are overflowing. So you can keep on with your ad hominem attacks & name calling. We have survived the last 60 years in the desert & will outlive this hierarchy. Based on the failing NO seminaries and full traditionalist seminaries, and all the closing of diocesan churches, in a matter of decades we will be the only ones left.
March 6, 2023 at 11:51 pm
Gloria, reverence. reverence reverence. Throwing bombs without facts is a sin against the 8th Commandment. Get thee to Confession.
March 8, 2023 at 4:08 pm
You mean like what the author of this website does every day against liberals he doesn’t like?
March 8, 2023 at 6:48 am
OT…that first picture above looks like Robert Plant today… just sayin’