Trump seems to be saying that the pro-life groups spent fifty years trying to get Roe overturned and he comes in and bippity boppity boop, he fixes it in one measly term. He then insinuates that pro-life groups may be in it for the money because this thing was so easily handled by him.
Here he is:
Trump correctly points out how many of the “Pro Lifers” who are attacking him are doing so because he ended their gravy train
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 27, 2023
“Maybe it’s some kind of a business”
Reminds everyone he ended Roe after 50 years of Conservatives failing to do so
What the hell is he talking about? Let’s be clear, the only reason Trump was able to help overturn Roe is because those pro-life groups he is now maligning forced him to submit a list of judges that would be acceptable to pro-lifers.
He is being disingenuous about his role. He didn’t overturn Roe. He was in the role of president when Ruth Vader Ginsburg died. Look, I give Trump all the credit for having the stones to replace Ruth Vader Ginsburg when he did. It was bold. I don’t know any other Republican president who would’ve done it. I am eternally grateful to Trump for that move.
And now, Trump is right that the abortion debate has cost us some seats. No doubt. And the media is now asking every right wing candidate if they support a total ban on abortion without asking the leftist candidates if they support abortion up until the ninth month or even beyond. The media is attempting to make the pro-lifers seem radical. This has worked.
It’s worked even though it would be almost impossible for a total ban on abortion to get through Congress. So, that’s just theoretical talk designed to put Republicans in a negative light.
So, instead of attempting to explain the issue better, clarify it, Trump has instead chosen to punt. He will not talk about a federal ban on abortion. Politically he might be right. He’s refusing to play the media game.
But here’s the thing. In the end, this is not merely a political battle. We can not win this with mere politics. This is a spiritual and religious battle. This can only be won by changing hearts and minds, and shepherding souls to Christ.
Trump doesn’t look at it in terms like that. He believes he can negotiate a ban on abortion up to 15 weeks of pregnancy. He said he believes both sides will come to the table. He’a wrong about that. They will impeach him before he does that. The left will imprison him before he is able to do that. They can not negotiate on this issue. The left will burn the country down before giving up on abortion.
Trump is very wrong about this, politically and spiritually.
September 29, 2023 at 11:45 am
“He is being disingenuous about his role.” That applies also perhaps to every role he as ever played, including businessman, conservative, and president.
I know some of you think that he is somewhat like Mephistopheles — “Part of that force that always wills the evil and always produces the good” (“Ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft”: Goethe, Faust, 1334-1336).
September 29, 2023 at 1:03 pm
““He is being disingenuous about his role.” ” That applies also perhaps to every role he as ever played, including businessman, conservative, and president. ”
Name me a successful businessman who isn’t disingenuous to some extent. If a man wants to play against the big boys in business big leagues you do not let them have the upper hand. Sure he may have had a few bankruptcies during his career but I’m sure he still has more in change in his pocket than you have in your bank account. He told us himself that he has had to grease government palms to get things done in business. He said he didn’t like doing it and wanted to change that when he becomes President.
Show us his dis-ingenuousness as President. He’s said many many things people don’t like as Biden has, but again, you never look at Trumps actions and his accomplishments as President compared to this parasite in Office we have currently. If he was disingenuous as President you can’t prove it by the way life was under President Trump compared to Biden.
I dunno….you seem to bend over backwards trying to prove Trump a liar but have hands off Biden. It’s THAT transparent. Watch what they do not what they say. Biden a devout Catholic? Yeah right. At least Trump never called himself a Catholic yet defended the unborn like Catholic Joe should be doing.
September 29, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Name me a successful businessman who chooses his chief lieutenants and then immediately starts asking what fool hired them. Name me a successful businessman who fails to unite his staff towards a common goal.
In short, Donald Trump’s interactions with his own apointees indicate that he is not a successful businessman, and that he probably never was one. It seems much more likely that he was a figurehead, even if he was allowed to believe he was really in charge.
September 29, 2023 at 6:14 pm
I forgot to mention: Name me a successful businessman who thinks every interaction is a zero-sum game. Successful businessmen realize that the long-term success depends not on crushing their enemies, seeing them flee before them, and hearing the lamentation of their women, but rather on finding a way to make sure everyone wins. But The Donald does not understand that.
September 30, 2023 at 6:40 am
He sure made a lot of money being an unsuccessful businessman and figurehead. Had me fooled.
Now tell us. How disingenuous was he as President since you seem to have a special insight into his heart and mind? And here I thought only God possessed that power.
September 29, 2023 at 6:06 pm
A country hellbent on killing their children is not one worth saving. That’s the bottom line. If we truly are a nation that cannot even talk about not murdering the most vulnerable, what other inalienable rights are up for grabs?