The little girl’s feelings and beliefs play no part in their decision making. Theirs is a higher calling. If progressivism must steamroll a few young women on the road to progress, so be it.
Every battle sees collateral damage. She should be honored to be collateral damage in the name of the progressive agenda.
The fact that the school administrators thought it best not to inform the parents tells you all you need to know.
Todd Starnes: An 11-year-old girl was told by her school to share a bed with a transgender child during an overnight school trip. The girl was so terrified she hid in a closet and called her parents for help.
Joe and Serena Wailes say at no time did Jefferson County Public Schools alert them that their fifth grade daughter would be sleeping in the same bed with a boy.
Alliance Defending Freedom is representing the family and they sent a letter to the district warning that its policy of hiding information from parents and lying to students is unconstitutional.
As ADF attorneys explain in their letter, throughout the evening, the male student’s privacy and feelings were the only concern of JCPS employees. The Waileses want to ensure that all students’ privacy and feelings are considered, and notifying parents of the JCPS overnight policy would accomplish that. Instead, JCPS hides the information from parents disregarding student privacy and parental rights.
School policy states that students who identify as the opposite sex should be “assigned to share overnight accommodations with other students that share the student’s gender identity consistently asserted at school.” The policy also demands that “under no circumstance” should a student who identifies as the opposite sex be required to share a room with students of the same sex.
But as ADF attorneys explain in the letter, that provision is not equally extended to other students like the Waileses’ daughter who does not want to share a room with a student of the opposite sex. ADF attorneys note how this policy violates the Waileses’ religious beliefs, the parental rights of all parents in the district, and the privacy rights of all students.
“Parents, not the government, have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and that includes making informed decisions to protect their child’s privacy,” said ADF Senior Counsel Kate Anderson, director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights.
“Schools should never hide information from parents, yet that’s exactly what JCPS officials did here. And that put the Waileses’ 11-year-old daughter in a very challenging situation where she had to choose between sleeping in the same bed with a biological boy and advocating for her privacy in front of her teachers and peers,” she added. “Understandably, the Wailes family is asking JCPS to cease its practice of intentionally withholding information about rooming accommodations from parents. Every parent should have the information needed to make the best decision for their children.”
December 6, 2023 at 11:27 am
Listen Kids, the schools across the USA have not informed the parents, as a rule spoken or unspoken, of things they ought to be informed of for decades, not years. Many decades, at least back to the 70’s. and some of the stuff they withold is egregious. Ask me how I know! It’s not easy to be a teacher, especially when you’re morally grounded to your own principles, making the self, and the cult, the arbiter of reality and truth.
Again, why the shooting hasn’t started verily reels and blows my mind. These people cannot be reasoned with. Their minds are a tangled web of self deceptions.
Joseph Conrad wrote: “. . . no man ever understands quite his own artful dodges to escape from the grim shadow of self-knowledge.” Lord Jim
The war is an old war.
December 7, 2023 at 7:37 am
This is why you never allow your child to attend an overnight event at the school or the church or the neighbors or any one you don’t know and trust with your life. And don’t tell me it’s impossible, I didn’t allow it and my parents didn’t either. As the comment above notes and I can attest, this has been going on for at least 50 years.
December 7, 2023 at 3:55 pm
That sounds practical. Maria. The crazies are running the place. Thank God for the ADF. My prayers are with them
December 8, 2023 at 10:24 am
This is the scenario that my bishop, His Excellency Edward Malesic, JD of Cleveland wisely foresaw when he established the policy for Diocesan schools and parishes to follow recently. Students, parishioners, and employees are only to be referred to by their birth gender, are only to use restrooms reflecting their birth gender, are not permitted to bring a same-sex date to school and parish functions, etc.
The Bishop was roundly and viciously criticized nationwide for this – even by the Mayor of Cleveland, who should perhaps focus on the innumerable problems affecting Cleveland Public Schools instead.
I am grateful and pleased to be a member of the Diocese of Cleveland with a bishop who is ready to put a target on his back in order to protect the people he leads. What a shame others who are in positions of authority do not exhibit the same common sense and courage.