Despite the media’s awful caricature of Pope Benedict and the Catholic Church, Americans have an overwhelmingly positive view of Pope Benedict XVI on the eve of his visit to the United States, according to a new poll released today. The poll was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.

By a ratio of four and a half to one (58% to 13%), respondents said that they had a favorable or very favorable view of Pope Benedict. The poll also found that an even higher percentage — 65% — have a favorable view of the Catholic Church, although a higher portion, 28% have a negative view.

But what about all those stories about the Pope being a Hitler Youth? What about the horrors of Summorum Pontificum ? What about his dragging the Church back into the dark ages?

Now, the good news for enemies of the Church is that no media is picking up on this poll. The media’s willing to run with fabricated stories about new seven deadly sins in order to make the Church look silly but something like this must not be mentioned. You want to have some fun? Let’s watch and wait for any mainstream media to do a story on this poll.

Forty-two percent of Americans said that they would like to attend one of the Pope’s public appearances while he is in the United States, and 66% of Catholics said they’d like to attend one of the events.

Seventy percent or more want to hear Pope Benedict talk about: allowing God to be a part of their daily lives (73%), finding spiritual fulfillment by sharing their time and talent (71%) and how they can make a positive difference in the world, their state, and communities (70%). Nearly two-thirds (64%) expressed an interest in hearing Pope Benedict talk about how they can have a society where spiritual values play an important role.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Spiritual values loosened on American society? Gasp! No. The media will leave this story out there to die. Please do all the enemies of the Church a favor and don’t tell anyone about this poll.

Update: This poll was released on 3/25. No story has appeared in the media and it is now 3/26 at 10:20 A.M.