Do You Want Fries With That?
—Super sized liturgies now come with fries!

Dems Strip “Objectionable Language” about Pope
—Now if we could only remove those objectionable members of congress.

Liturgical Music – New Amazon Flavor!
—Raymond Arroyo puts a fine point on the embarrassing music at the papal liturgy.

A New Low for Yale University
—Yale is irretrievably lost. Life has become a commodity bartered for 15 minutes of fame.

Our Badly Misunderstood Pope
—It’s great having the Pope here if only to see how shallow our country’s media really is. Like a puddle.

Miyagi Wisdom – Longenecker Style
—Has anyone ever seen Fr. Dwight Longenecker and Mr. Miyagi at the same time?

College B-ball Coach Recites Rosary Before Games
—A good story about a good man.

Good Morning America Goes Negative on Pope
—The single most deceptive, mean spirited, and negative comment we have seen.

No Communion For The Usual Suspects
—The American Life League doesn’t pull punches and they are naming names.

Humor! Are You A Bitter Bumpkin?
—Are you a Church going, gun toting, free-trade hating racist? Obama has the answer!