Fr. Barron on “Religulous”
—Fr, Barron looks at Bill Maher’s Movie.

Bishop Finn Takes on Freedom of Choice Act
—Bishop speaks out against law allowing complete and unrestricted access to abortion.

Sarah, Joe, And The Expectations Game
—My lil’ video to sum up the debate.

Media: Bad News for McCain — Palin Did Well
—Media lunatics unhinged!

McCain to NYT’s Dowd: “Get Off My Plane!”
—Maureen Dowd was kicked off McCain’s plane. The only relevant question is “at what altitude?”

Star Trek or Religion
—Does man exist in a special place in the universe?

Arts & Sciences: God Need Not Apply
—The enlightened cut off their noses to spite their face.

Creative Minority Reader

Memo To McCain: Listen to the Anchoress
—With only two minutes left in the game, the Quarterback must step up.

College Op-Ed: Obama As My Personal Jesus
—It does not bode well for this country that politics is replacing religion in the hearts of many.

CMR Thanks You!
—For our best month yet.

Top Ten Tips You’re on a Catholic Blog
—Our surefire guide to obvious Catholic blogging.