The latest evidence I submit to you, dear reader, that the world is upside down is this topsy turvy tale from jolly ol’ England.
Two grandparents just had their grandchildren whom they adored ripped away from them so the state could give the child to a homosexual couple to adopt. You see, we must remember that the highest good here is not the child’s welfare but making a politically correct social point.
Says the Daily Mail:
Two young children are to be adopted by a gay couple, despite the protests of their grandparents.
The devastated grandparents were told they would never see the youngsters again unless they dropped their opposition.
The couple, who cannot be named, wanted to give the five-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister a loving home themselves. But they were ruled to be too old – at 46 and 59.
For two years they fought for their rights to care for the children, whose 26-year- old mother is a recovering heroin addict.
They agreed to an adoption only after they faced being financially crippled by legal bills.
H/T Stop The ACLU
The final blow came when they were told the children were going to a gay household, even though several heterosexual couples wanted them.
When the grandfather protested, he was told: ‘You can either accept it, and there’s a chance you’ll see the children twice a year, or you can take that stance and never see them again.’
The man said last night: ‘It breaks my heart to think that our grandchildren are being forced to grow up in an environment without a mother figure. We are not prejudiced, but I defy anyone to explain to us how this can be in their best interests.’
Social workers themselves have admitted that the little girl is ‘more wary’ of men than women.
One of the things that jumps out at me in this tale is that even though the grandfather is having his grandchildren torn away from him he still feels the need to assure everyone he’s not prejudiced against gays. Dude, you’ve got a right to be pretty damn outraged. Two children are being taken away from you so some jerk with a social welfare degree can pronounce himself a hero for standing up for alternative lifestyles.
In a sane world, a movie would be made of this from the poor grandparent’s perspective. In this mad mad mad world, a movie will be made about the young social worker standing up to the system. It’ll probably get some awards.
January 30, 2009 at 5:27 am
But there is gay bashing in the way you put the news.
The grandparents, for being too old, were denied the right to raise the children. That’s number one.
Then, as a result of number one, and not, in any way, affecting the fact the outcome of number one, a gay couple adopts the children.
If you want to argue against number one, that is nothing prejudice against gay people because it would happen even if a straight couple would receive the children.
Now, would you be posting this if the children have gone to a heterossexual couple?
It would be, somehow, more fair to the grandparents to have their children taken from them to go to a heterossexual couple?
January 30, 2009 at 6:34 am
Not England, but Scotland – 1,000 years young, and still mission territory.
January 30, 2009 at 6:53 am
Rod, I think you are missing the point. The kids shouldn’t be taken from the grandparents at all.
January 30, 2009 at 6:58 am
You missed the point. The children SHOULD be with the GRANDPARENTS – not complete strangers. That is what is in the best interest of the children. I say this as a parent! I’d be in jail if someone did this to me.
After today’s news about the Porkulus Bill, I’m just not in a mood to find anything funny…. no matter how hard you might try Matthew, I doubt you or anyone could make me smile… our country and world is so entirely screwed up. Yes, I’m mad. VERY mad.
At least the GOP stood up for once. That in itself is a miracle. However, the MSM mixed the spin on that as well.
Cranky, I Yam.
January 30, 2009 at 9:40 am
In a sane world nothing like sodomites taking “marriages” would be permitted and the state would care for the well being of children, not psychological well being of seriously twisted minds. In fact they are ruining two young lives – on top of two lives that are already twisted by perversion and one ruined by drug abuse.
BTW: that shows that most hurt will those most deserving our care. Think of it. Those are near-orphans, but they are taken away from their family to advance sodomites’ social agenda.
Plus that raises a serious question: do kids belong with their family or are they state property the state can move about as it sees fit?
This is outrage crying out to heaven for justice. I’m afraid stuff like this will bring a very serious punishment from our Lord. Those who think we can’t ignore His laws and be merry are seriously mistaken.
January 30, 2009 at 10:07 am
I wrote this to the british ambassador in my country:
Her Majesty’s Ambassador Mr. Michael Roberts,
I write you in a very urgent matter. I read today in the Daily Mail that 2 children were taken away from their grandparents in Edinburg. The grandparents were taking care of the children because the mother was a recovering heroin addict.
The reason for taking the children away from the grandparents was that they were deemed too old to take care of them. But they are only 46 and 59!
To add insult to injury, the children were given to a homosexual couple despite protests from the children and despite there were other heterosexual couples interested in the children.
Mr. Roberts, I don’t think this is in the best interest of the children.
Please, I beg you, use the powers you have to intervene in this matter, to stop this INJUSTICE.
Thank you.
my name
citizen of EU
P.S. Here is the Daily Mail article:
January 30, 2009 at 1:13 pm
This is extremely disturbing on many levels, not the least of which is the obvious fact that the children are being taken from a stable, loving kinship care situation and being placed with strangers.
As someone who is anxiously watching my own young relatives’ situation, I shudder to think that the state might step in and say that my husband and I (mid-40’s) are less fit parents for these children than total strangers who happen to be younger.
Also why are UK social workers allowed to wave the “discrimination against gays” flag but ignore the wildly flapping “discrimination against family members who happen to be middle-aged” banner?
January 30, 2009 at 1:42 pm
Mind you, they took these children away from the grandparents because they were too old at 46 and 59. Since when is that old? This is madness. This is societal engineering. Nothing less.
January 30, 2009 at 2:48 pm
I am convinced more and more that not only does a large segment of the so-called “civilized” world place little or no value on the unborn they place equally little value on children in general. They are pawns in whatever game the politically correct wish to play.
My heart and prayers go out to those poor children.
January 30, 2009 at 3:24 pm
So I trust that any 45-year-old British starlet who has IVF and gets pregnant will have the baby promptly removed from her care and given to a more deserving couple?
January 30, 2009 at 5:33 pm
This comment has been removed by the author.
January 30, 2009 at 5:34 pm
Hmm, Madonna is how old and successfully adopted how many kids without raising any eyebrows on the part of the English nannystate?
“a chance you’ll see the children twice a year”? WOW! Catch me while I faint at the magnanimous attitude exhibited there!
What made a homosexual couple more deserving of selection than a heterosexual couple, other that someone’s desire to score brownie points with the gay lobby in the UK?
Seems the public service sector over there has the same failing often exhibited on this side of the pond. They forget they work for the public!
Things like this are why we have the 2nd Amendment. Seriously, how much more provocation by an oppressive government would you need?
Do they have anything like talk radio, Jerry Springer, etc. over there? Something to keep the heat on the social service idiots?
Those grandparents will be in my prayers.
January 30, 2009 at 7:50 pm
“In a sane world, a movie would be made of this from the poor grandparent’s perspective.”
Why don’t you make that movie then? I’m sure it’ll be a tremendous hit.
January 30, 2009 at 10:06 pm
If you want to argue against number one, that is nothing prejudice against gay people because it would happen even if a straight couple would receive the children.
Now, would you be posting this if the children have gone to a heterossexual couple?
It would be, somehow, more fair to the grandparents to have their children taken from them to go to a heterossexual couple?
Rodrigo, it wouldn’t happen at all if the kids weren’t going to a gay couple.
Telling the grandparents that they’re too old is an excuse to take the kids away. Somebody decided that two sodomites needed some kids (one of whom fears them) to make them look like a “real couple” and picked these poor folks’ grandkids.
That’s what Britain has come to.
January 31, 2009 at 12:03 am
To Rodrigo with love,
I assume by now you’ve read everyone’s comments and no longer need me to tell you this was a sham effort to curry favor with homosexuals, whose influence seems to be in the ascendancy, at the expense and almost certain ruin of two innocent children.
Now let me tell you something you’ll really think is bashing, but I don’t care what you think:
If you want to identify yourself as a homosexual, fine, go ahead. I could give you a million reasons to seek a cure to it, but because of your belligerence I don’t think you’re receptive to it.
However, to you and all your rowdy radical activist pals:
On this continent, in Europe, Asia, wherever.
Leave children out of it. Go have your sordid unnatural affairs and change partners nightly. But do not put your hands on our children when you do it.
What’s next for you? Pedophile adoption? You’re not far off.
January 31, 2009 at 4:25 am
This is the saddest, most horrendous story I have ever heard.
January 31, 2009 at 2:17 pm
“Things like this are why we have the 2nd Amendment. Seriously, how much more provocation by an oppressive government would you need?”
I think it was Ben Franklin who put it: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
February 1, 2009 at 9:23 pm
Who’s too old??? I naturally concieved and had a baby last year, and I just turned 47!!! I know it is rare these days, but…this story is crazy. We’ll be praying for those poor children and their loving grandparents. Mary L.
February 2, 2009 at 2:47 pm
In this situation, I can say without question, that I would literally go down shooting before I handed those that I love over to sick individuals (through no fault of their own or not is irrelevant) to have their minds and souls twisted. The preservation of their souls trumps my physical life period.