“…so just then, the sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says: with friends like these, who needs anemones.” ~ Finding Nemo
Harry Reid has not had a good year. Failure on health care and the likelihood that he will lose in November is the injury. Now here is the insult. Harry’s choice to become U.S. District Judge in Nevada got mixed reviews from the ABA.
According to the association’s 15-member Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, a “substantial majority,” consisting of 10 to 13 members, rated Navarro “qualified,” while a minority rated her “not qualified.” The bar shares its ratings in an advisory capacity with the White House and the Senate, which votes on the nominees.
Showing the ineptitude that led to his sinking poll numbers in Nevada, Harry lashes out at the ABA rating as meaningless.
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., criticized the American Bar Association on Thursday, saying it should “get a new life” in how it rates prospective federal judges, after one of his choices got a mixed review.
In remarks to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Reid said the bar association’s ratings board puts too much weight on whether judicial nominees have prior bench experience and overlooks “real world” qualifications.
Apparently forgetting that the interwebs has a long memory (like over five minutes), Harry seems to have forgotten that he argued the exact opposite last year when Sonia Sotomayor was nominated to SCOTUS. At the time, some Republicans were questioning her qualifications and Harry said this.
Today, Senator Graham suggested that Judge Sotomayor has a poor judicial temperament and suggested she may be a “bully” on the bench.
Judge Sotomayor has demonstrated in this hearing her even and pleasant temperament in the face of difficult questioning.
The ABA’s unanimous “well qualified” rating is the best indicator of Judge Sotomayor’s temperament.
Oops. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
When they say what he wants, the ABA is the best indicator and when they don’t, they are not in touch with reality and should “get a new life.”
Oh Harry. You will be sorely missed.
One bit of advice Harry. When you and Patrick Kennedy are all packed and ready to leave Washington this November with the contents of your offices secure in the U-haul, you should do the driving. Just sayin’.
February 12, 2010 at 6:18 pm
I do have to agree bar association rating polls, ABA included, are overrated.
February 12, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I think it's "with FRONDS like these…",
Sorry, I won't miss the lugubrious old hack. The best line I ever heard about Harry Reid : "he reminds me of a small-town undertaker, trying to upsell the deluxe casket package".
Perfect. Not sure who said it, but that's Dingy Harry to a "T".
February 13, 2010 at 2:49 pm
No family in American history – not the Roosevelt, not the Adams, and certainly not the Bush families – have paid a higher price in the service of the people than the Kennedys. And to be perfectly honest with you, I'm sick and tired of listening to them get kicked around by the clueless right wing.
It was announced yesterday that Ben Quayle, son of the former vice-president, will be running for congress. We here, at this glorious moment in the history of our great nation, are proud and privileged to bear witness to the birth of the Quayle family political dynasty.
I need a drink.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
February 13, 2010 at 7:18 pm
While I really enjoy reading your blog, I think that your last line here was uncharitable. I'm not a fan of the senators Reid and Kennedy, but surely we can do better than to use cheap jibes.
February 15, 2010 at 4:33 am
Don't you mean the Kopechne family, Tom? Let's not get into their pro-abort stance and its cost in innocent lives.