There’s something disturbing and wonderful about this video. They’re doing a good thing but I still suspect that they live in sewers and eat children for fun. There, I said it:
HT New Advent
There’s something disturbing and wonderful about this video. They’re doing a good thing but I still suspect that they live in sewers and eat children for fun. There, I said it:
HT New Advent
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July 23, 2012 at 3:58 pm
I saw John Wayne Gacy to the right at 00:42.
July 23, 2012 at 4:55 pm
So I guess the progressives can stop being upset when traditionalists say "clown Mass," huh?
July 23, 2012 at 6:20 pm
As a hispanic i think is GREAT, they love la Guadalupana, is a pilgrim to la villa.
There is NOTHING wrong with that!
July 23, 2012 at 7:17 pm
Saw the headline and thought "Sigh. Another story about the LWRC bus tour…"
July 23, 2012 at 8:39 pm
"Anyone named Pennywise? No. Good. Carry on."
July 24, 2012 at 3:04 am
again who is the focus on Jesus or the stupid clowns…Keep the clowns and bad Jesuit music, the rest of us will be at the TLM making reparation for the foolishness…Lord help the Pharisee in me
July 24, 2012 at 6:44 pm
What the heck is the deal with catho-liberals???; always clowns and big-giant-scary puppets???
These people continually make a mockery of all that is holy, and just ooze, "LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!"
July 25, 2012 at 1:12 am
Obviously a few of the commenters in this post have absolutely NO idea of what's actually going on in the video, so let me explain it to them:
The attached video is of the annual pilgrimage professional clowns in Mexico City make to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, to give thanks to Our Blessed Mother for her intercession. This pilgrimage is very well known in Mexico City and it has been going on for many years.
One of the clowns interviewed in the video says that he wants to give thanks to Our Lady (affectionately nicknamed "Lupita" in Mexico) for another year with a job and for the joy of belonging to his profession. There is NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of those mythical "Clown Masses" that rad-trads have been mentioning for years (never mind that I have never seen or heard about one). And yes, the pilgrimage ends in a Mass at the Basilica, but it's not a "Clown Mass" but rather a normal Mass that happens to be attended by people who work as clowns, who are there to pray to Our Lady. There is nothing irreverent about that, in fact I find it quite moving, especially considering that many of the people in the pilgrimage also do charity work for children in hospitals.
I might not like clowns, but I certainly respect these guys.
July 25, 2012 at 3:16 am
Anon, why on earth can these guys not attend Mass in respectful clothing, and in a respectful manner thank our Lady for their profession? Would you show up at Calvary, at the foot of the cross, with our Lord's Blood flowing for the salvation of mankind, in a clown costume? Do you really think that's appropriate?…because that is EXACTLY what they're doing. Picture the scenes of the Crucifixion from "The Passion of the Christ" with a bunch of guys in clown costumes. Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi.
And just google 'clown Mass'…you'll see plenty of what you've managed to stay ignorant of…they aren't 'mythical'.