Father’s Day. Yay. I have five kids so I should be having breakfast served to me while I languish in bed, enjoying their acknowledgement of my awesome Dad-ness, and rejoicing as my precious children ask what they can do for their wonderful father. Y’know, dream stuff. But none of that is happening today. None of it would’ve anyway but it especially can’t today because I’m away for Father’s Day.

I feel bad about it. But I think it’s the right decision. I’m attending Notre Dame’s Vita Institute by the Center for Ethics and Culture. This is my first time leaving the kids for a few days. It’s hard. There were tears and gnashing of teeth from the little ones. Loooooong hugs. I felt terrible. It’s no use explaining to kids that you’re leaving your kids to promote a culture of life. Kids don’t really do irony.

So my wife and kids rushed me to the airport so that my plane could be delayed. For an hour. So I languished in an uncomfortable seat had an egg sandwich which was the hottest thing on the planet. It was seriously like egg flavored fire. And then I watched the news and read a newspaper. Spoiler alert: None of the news was good.

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