This Princeton professor spoke at Hampshire College’s commencement ceremony and went completely crazy anti-Trump. I read a brief summary and came away with one important question.

Princeton University professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor issued multiple vile attacks against President Donald Trump in her May 20 commencement speech at Hampshire College, a private liberal arts college in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Taylor accused Trump of being a “racist, sexist megalomaniac.”
“The president of the United States, the most powerful politician in the world, is a racist, sexist megalomaniac,” Taylor said, according to a report by Campus Reform reporter Anthony Gockowski.
“It’s not a benign observation, but has meant tragic consequences for many people in our country—from terror-inducing raids in the communities of undocumented immigrants to his disparaging of refugees in search of freedom and respite,” Taylor also said during her speech.
I guess the question that comes to mind can best be summed up this way:
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