The people of Ukraine are fighting for their lives from the Russian Army but the people of Ottawa had to listen to trucks honking their horns and it’s like totally debilitating guys.

The CBC reports:

Kevin uses one word to describe the first days of the protests in downtown Ottawa: torture.

“Literally there was trucks right underneath me,” said Kevin, who did not want to provide CBC a last name for fear of reprisal. “It was one thing for me, but I’ve got animals. I’ve got three cats, two dogs. So yeah, it was torture.”

That “torture” is the reason behind an ongoing class-action lawsuit, which sought an injunction prohibiting any participants in the convoy protest from using vehicle horns in the vicinity of downtown Ottawa.

The trucks have since been removed, with police pushing the majority of protesters outside of the downtown core over the Family Day long weekend. Even still, some downtown residents say they’re haunted by “phantom honking” — what sounds like blaring truck horns, but no actual sounds are there.

City starts to tally occupation’s toll on residents’ mental health

“When you hear that noise, it’s like, ‘Oh, are they back? Is there a road convoy coming back, right?'” said Sean Flynn, who lives about three kilometres from downtown but could still hear the horns inside his home during the protests.

“‘I felt I was constantly doing these sort of double takes … it almost feels a bit re-traumatizing.”

Flynn isn’t alone. Downtown resident Zakir Virani said he hears phantom honking, too, usually at night, which keeps him awake.

This is peak soft. Absolute peak. I know there’s a cash grab going on and these people are looking to sue somebody, anybody. But that doesn’t make it better. Soft people with greed is not better. In fact, it really highlights the problem western civilization is facing.

We are not prepared for the real world anymore so when we are hit with real life we cry out and look to blame someone for interfering with our easy life.

Western civilization is an anomaly that’s quickly coming to a close. It will be called on account of softness.

China is a hellish tyranny. Russia? Ditto. The Middle East is run by violent fanatics? Mexico is overrun by warlords. Most of the world lives in fear. Constant fear. And they deal with it. We are no longer even prepared for inconveniences.

Christ died on the cross for us. It is not odd at all that a religion that asks us to pick up our cross is not being embraced by soft men whose only exercise for the day is rolling their eyes. Christianity demands courage. That’s why it’s being rejected. It’s not because God is an imaginary construct to make life easier. It’s that Christ asks too much and we’re too soft.

Nobody gets to carry their cross downhill. The way is hard.

In the words of GK Chesterton: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” #facts