Big Government tells one of the largest hospitals in the country they must stop serving the elderly, disabled, and poor or blow out their sanctuary candle.
Because the sanctuary candle is waaaaaaaaaaayyyy too dangerous.
So the government asshats said they were going to shut Saint Francis Hospital down unless they put out the candle in the chapel.
Now, I’ve got to ask. Does anyone really think that this is about a candle or do we think this is about something a little deeper?
Lori Windham of Becket took on the government and won (at least this round.)
This is a lesson. Saint Francis pushed back. We all need to stand up NOW for our religious freedom.
Glenn Beck has more:
May 8, 2023 at 10:25 am
I realize this will come as no revelation, but with the (once) Catholic dominance in education, charitable orgs and healthcare -those who sought to profit from the corporeal works of mercy needed to first chase the “do-gooders” out as there was no profit model. I wonder how much of our culture was ruined because of this (I mean, transgenderism? really? this seems so obviously implausible to anyone). Then take over these available market chares when Catholics retreat.