This country is at a crossroads. We all know it. We stand upon a knife’s edge. Things could go either way.
The left has become completely out of control and seek to control everyone else. They are advocating the mutilating of children in the name of gender fluidity. They push for the killing of children for convenience and financial well-being. They have damaged the very concept of marriage and seek to force everyone to cheer this on. They are controlling classrooms from K to college and force children to hear and cheer for their secularist utopia. They attack religious liberty.
They cloak their schemes in crises and work to secure their grift.
Let’s be honest, it seemed they were on the brink of total victory. But some strange things occurred. For example, Donald Trump was elected. Most people I know didn’t like Trump all that much but they knew that what was going on in our government had to stop. Trump, by being Trump, made the left go completely insane and they made a mistake. They revealed themselves.
We saw the Deep State at work. We saw that the FBI, the intelligence apparatus, the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Democrat Party are all acting in cahoots to drag this country towards globalism and secularism. We suffered through Covid and through its restrictions. We all saw what happened to Epstein and saw what didn’t happen to his clients. We were threatened to inject ourselves with vaccinations that were virtually untested. We’ve seen countless acts of violence and vandalism against pro-lifers, churches, and crisis pregnancy centers -all of which go virtually unpunished. Religious freedom is restricted. Pro-lifers are rounded up on years old charges and dragged into court.
They’ve revealed themselves.
But it is now time to reveal ourselves. We started with small things like boycotting Bud Light for taking a side on the transgender issue by advertising with a man dressed as a woman whose audience is mostly children. We stopped buying at Target when we learned their LGBT Kids section was created by a Satanist.
The movie The Sound of Freedom exploded in the box office, after Disney attempted to hide it away forever. The movie has earned more domestically than the Mission Impossible movie.
There are worrisome signs here and there, though. I hear many people online cheer on the idea of an armed insurgency, a revolution. They figure the pro-gun people likely have an advantage over those who don’t. It doesn’t have to get to that. We should do everything we can to avoid that. Many people suspect that the vote was rigged the last time. It may have been. But we have to at least try coming out in huge numbers and voting. The chaos and tragedy that armed conflict engenders is horrifying.
I also hear guys like Andrew Tate push back on feminism by being the worst kind of man, an abusive amoral pimp of a man. But people are listening to him. They dismiss his failings and just point at the parts he has right.
But the only path forward is fidelity to Christ. If we veer from His path we will fall into the same fascism that the left has fallen into. Love is actually the answer. Respecting everyone as a gift from God. That doesn’t mean that we accept what they’re selling.
The answer to modern day feminism is not testosterone fueled thuggery. It is not demeaning women as revenge.
Andrew Klavan recently talked about this and he brought up many good points. We must avoid becoming what we beheld. We must avoid becoming the opposite side of the coin.
A Christian obligation must lead us forward through these dark times. If we stray from Christ we are lost. We will all be lost.
July 27, 2023 at 8:45 am
Matt, I’ve loved you and your brother and your writing for literally decades, but I must disagree here.
We are not going to be voting our way out of this. “Vote harder” is the strategy that the left dearly hopes we will employ. Because they have that handled.
But time and time again history teaches us that once you vote your way into tyranny, you’ll have to shoot your way out.
The people who have usurped virtually all the levers of power will not peacefully relinquish their control.
Barring divine intervention, the people who want to abolish the first and second amendments, who inflicted the pandemic on us, who stole the government from the voters, who are risking a nuclear exchange, who inverted the justice system, who hate all that is good, beautiful and true, will never go quietly to the dustbin of history. They and their supporters and sympathizers will have to be forcibly uprooted and rendered powerless, by whatever means they require of us. Failure is not an option.
Best regards,
Paul, just this guy, you know?
July 28, 2023 at 7:28 am
Paul, old blogging buddy, I agree with everything you’re saying but I’m still praying for a peaceful resolution.
July 27, 2023 at 11:58 am
“Many people suspect that the vote was rigged the last time. It may have been. But we have to at least try coming out in huge numbers and voting.”
Why should this even be attempted? We don’t need divine revelation to see that they stole the last election right in front of us, they laughed in our faces while they did it, and they have suffered zero consequences from any of the flaccid “conservative” politicians. But the answer is to vote harder, because THIS TIME the good guys will win?
The fundamental misunderstanding here is the belief that this society needs to be saved. It does not. It needs to fail completely and fall. You cannot rebuild a termite-infested hovel with a ruined foundation. The only way to help this evil system to fail is to refuse to participate in its circuses and distractions — elections. We brought this on ourselves. And we’re going to get what we deserve.
July 27, 2023 at 12:24 pm
Well said….bravo.
July 27, 2023 at 3:01 pm
I’m not buying it. You say we are at a crossroads, and we might go either way; I say we crossed an event horizon some years ago, and disaster is now completely unavoidable.
You are trusting in the staff of this broken reed, the GOP, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it.
We are destined to become a valley of dead, dry bones. It is only after we have become DRY bones that we can live again.
July 27, 2023 at 9:29 pm
My my, we have a few bright rays of sunshine here, don’t we?
Any of you Christian? Believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? God is in control, my friends. PRAY, and have FAITH.
July 28, 2023 at 8:35 am
You know, Jerry, you’re right. It IS negative and sinful to point out the truth as it stands before us. We don’t want to follow the example of sinful old naysayers like Jeremiah, after all.
By all means, let’s join hands and coo a few praise & worship songs while trannies follow our granddaughters into the public restrooms. Let’s vote, vote VOTE while the vicious shepherds of this once-nation laugh at us and promise to drain the swamp this time. Let’s sit passively while our elderly citizens are beaten on the streets and our institutions are mocked. Let’s meekly bow our heads while our clergy closes churches based on transparent lies and manipulation of “science.” Let’s ignore the facts.
And most of all, let’s employ that time-honored tradition (“Any of you Christian?”) of questioning the spiritual estate of anyone who disagrees wtih us. Yes, you’ve convinced me, Jerry. I take back everything I said. Someone please pass me the offering plate.
July 28, 2023 at 6:34 pm
Are YOU Christian? Have you read the Bible enough to know who it was who said, “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives?”
July 28, 2023 at 1:25 am
This evidence-free, grossly exaggerated attempt at journalism is so laughable it is pathetic. That EVERY SINGLE JUDGE (at least 60) who has looked at any attempt at delegitimizing the election stopped the efforts in their tracks (including over half of whom were REPUBLICAN appointed judges and many of which, to boot, were appointed by Trump himself!) underscores the desperation of those on the far right to deny the reality that they and their bigoted, controlling efforts to decide who can marry whom and what decisions people can and cannot make for themselves are a minority. NObody has forced a church to marry any couple the church prefers to discriminate against, NObody has been forced to have gender affirmation surgery, NObody has been forced to stop discriminating, NObody has been denied the opportunity to enter into a heterosexual marriage, NObody has been forced to believe anything they do not want to believe. And the ONLY people listening to Andrew Tate are other misogynist bigots too insecure and lacking in self confidence to treat women as equals. I could go on but hopefully no one is reading this nonsense article or giving it any credence if they do.
July 28, 2023 at 10:59 am
“NObody has forced a church to marry any couple the church prefers to discriminate against”
You are correct but they have made homosexual marriage a legal right. A marriage has always been between a man and woman. That is the definition of marriage. Now if a company doesn’t recognize the “marriage” between two men or two woman such as insurance companies, wedding planners, florists, bakers etc the they can and have been brought up to litigation. For what? For not accepting a lie because the government said it was the truth. No one likes to be lied to, not even liars. SS “marriage” is a lie.
“NObody has been forced to have gender affirmation surgery”
That’s right also but the hell with the children that have been led to believe they can be anything they like as supposed trusted adults lop off the penis’s, testicles and breasts of these innocents, but hey! they can’t force me!
“NObody has been forced to stop discriminating”
Tell that to the cake maker, florist and wedding planner who were sued because their beliefs do NOT recognize same sex marriages and were FORCED to provide services or go bankrupt in the process. Everything is discrimination to the left if people do not agree with them and accept a LIE.
“NObody has been denied the opportunity to enter into a heterosexual marriage”
You’re right but allowing sham marriages of homosexuals as legitimate it won’t matter if we are not denied heterosexual marriages. We will have to accept the alternative under penalty of law for not recognizing a sham marriage when we know it’s a lie.
” NObody has been forced to believe anything they do not want to believe”
You’re right again but that is because our minds are our as liberals would say, “safe space” where no one can enter.
Your lack of compassion for those who suffer because you will NOT lift a finger to help, defend or support them as long as “They can’t force me and the hell with everyone else!” attitude is so selfish, self-serving and with an overwhelming “ME FIRST” attitude makes me want to vomit.
July 28, 2023 at 11:42 am
This is the left:
They support transgenderism which is a lie. It is a mental state called Gender Dysphoria. It should be treated as such and not normalized. If ones mind believes itself a different sex then their healthy biological body actually is then it is the mind that is ill and you cannot help that by mutilating a healthy body. Those who support this lie should be prosecuted for abusing these people. It’s all about sex to the leftist.
Gay unions: These sham marriages are just an attempt by the homosexual community to legitimize sodomy. It is not an act of love. It is not even an act open to giving life. It is not a marriage. It is an act that mocks God’s gift of a man and woman participating in giving life to a child. Compare that to sodomy and depositing ones seed into another man’s anus. Nice huh? The only way homosexual couples can have kids is to buy them That’s right. Buy a child. It’s all about sex to the leftist.
Assisted suicide: What used to be a vocation to make life healthier and cure physical ills has now become a vessel of death. Product of the left
Euthanasia: Killing those who are deemed not worthy of life. Who makes that choice? The patient? Not so much. Check Canada, our northern neighbor and their euthanasia killing machines of the mentally ill or those who cannot defend themselves. Product of the left
Abortion: Moloch of the modern age. Made to look pretty as Reproductive Healthcare. Product of the left.
Efforts to legitimize paedophilia as just another form of sexual desire. Product of the left.
Lowering the age of consent to 14 or less. Product of the left.
This is the Left. It’s all about sex and death.
July 29, 2023 at 5:01 pm
Like the Roman Empire, the American Empire is rotten to the core and destined for self-destruction. Our prayer, as Catholics, is to rermain faithful till death. God Willing, out of the ashes we shall rebuild Christendom.