Former President Bill Clinton was in Denver, Colorado, stumping for his wife yesterday and he let out a little bit of an oops. He obviously fogot that he is in the business of deception 24/7. he slipped up and told the truth. For a Clinton, this is not good.
Before I tell you what he said I would ask what is the number one issue on the minds of voters today? Yup. The economy. Fears of a slowing economy are gripping the nation.
So here comes Bill, according to ABC:
In a long, and interesting speech, he characterized what the U.S. and other industrialized nations need to do to combat global warming this way: “We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions ’cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.”
Nice. Give me a show of hands on who here thinks we haven’t seen the last of that quote. Republicans will have a field day with this one.
As ridiculous as this quote is, my main recurring thought is I’m wondering if Bill Clinton was always this clumsy and the media just didn’t report it. Or is he slipping? Either way, Bill has already been called by Hillary. They’re going to have a little talk tonight. Fun. Fun. Fun. I know. I know. Call it schadenfreude. Call it mean. In response I offer a big fat “Whatever.”
January 31, 2008 at 5:41 pm
Well in some ways this is what John McCain would also do.
His idea for a carbon tax the EPA says would add 20 percent to energy costs and fifty cents to the price of gasoline.
If that isn’t an economy slower I don’t know what is.
January 31, 2008 at 6:23 pm
I work in the dining room of a grocery store. Many of our regulars are older, retired folk. They are scared of what is happening in the economy. Many of them remember the Great Depression. They are about to scare the he** out of me. I don’t have any desire to see the economy slow down anymore. Not that HillBilly need to worry about that anyway. They have more than enough money to ride it out.
January 31, 2008 at 7:14 pm
I’m definitely not a mccain fan either. I’m worried to death whether he’ll have the guts to stand up to the liberals when it comes to putting up a pro-life judge.
January 31, 2008 at 9:08 pm
Another economy slower is keeping the population down – via birth control and abortion.
February 1, 2008 at 3:19 pm
Bill is only saying what most Dem/Libs truly believe, i.e., the United States should have a smaller, more sustainable, eco-friendly population, a population which is not, first and foremost, a population of consumers (contrary to the view of free-market capitalist types). He simply made a Freudian slip.
The utopia fashioned by the Dem/Libs envisions a populace that would embrace environmental causes, which means less human intrusion into the pristine environment. Tolerance, diversity, and the “one-world village” will ensure we have no enemies (proof of this is that higher ed. is achieving the “one-world” vision right now). When everyone works for the government, as they would in Dem/Lib utopia, everyone would have job security; this would be the uber economy.
As it stands the Dem/Libs pay lip-service to the unions and manufacturing base of this country, though the Dem/Libs detest the greenhouse gases manufacturing creates… “a house divided against itself…”
If the Dems freely spoke thier “ethic” consonant with what they believe, they would be ostracized from society and government. Wait a minute…they do speak their minds frequently, but the media is sympathetic to the Dem/Lib cause.
Anonymous…abortion is part and parcel of the “tolerance manifesto.”
February 2, 2008 at 2:13 pm
Oh, yes. All you have to do is read 1 issue of Mother Earth News to figure out that these enviromentalists want us all to live in yurts off the grid and bike to work to “save the planet”. They don’t like capitalism and they don’t want the rest of America to live the good life, they want to us all to return to feudalism.
With them in charge of course.