Jill Stanek wrote this piece on Barack Obama’s one pronounced regret in the Senate:

During last night’s Democrat presidential debate, Barack Obama for the 2nd time said his biggest legislative regret thus far was voting to try to stop Terri Schindler Schiavo’s husband from starving and dehydrating her to death.

According to today’s Miami Herald:

He said he wished he had spoken out when Republican lawmakers tried to stop the severely brain-damaged woman’s husband from removing her feeding tube in 2005.
“It wasn’t something I was comfortable with, but it was not something that I stood on the floor and stopped, and I think that was a mistake.”…

It’s really too bad Terri wasn’t a horse.

As both state and U.S. senator, Obama either supported or co-sponsored measures to stop horse slaughter, particularly since there is a horse factory in IL.

Terri would also have been better off a dog as far as Obama is concerned, because he has supported a legislative crack-down on dog fighting.

Or perhaps had Terri been born a little bird, Obama would have felt compelled to save her life. On his website he states:

I believe that not only does God know when the sparrow falls from its nest, but He is also watching to see who will stop and who will pass it by, and who is kind enough to lift it back.
Or if only Terri had been a convicted murderer. In IL Obama co-sponsored death penalty reform legislation, stating, “no innocent person should end up on death row.”

Jill Stanek is a hero. She was a nurse at a Christian hospital that was performing live birth abortions. At the risk of her career, Jill Stanek fought the hospital administration on this barbaric practice until she lost her job. And then she fought some more until pushing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the Illinois legislature only to be fought by a little known representative named Barack Obama.

Stanek stuck to her ideals and finally saw the bill go to Congress and pass. She was invited to the President’s bill signing. Her fight for the protection of the unborn is legendary. Like I said, Jill Stanek is a hero. And her blog is one of the ways she is contiunuing her fight.