Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s new CEO, is six months pregnant and she’s at the top of many headlines this week for her amazing career.
You’d think feminists would be happy. But no. Some feminists are attacking Mayer because she had the gall to say she’s not a feminist. Here’s what she said:
I don’t think that I would consider myself a feminist. I think that I certainly believe in equal rights, I believe that women are just as capable, if not more so in a lot of different dimensions, but I don’t, I think have, sort of, the militant drive and the sort of, the chip on the shoulder that sometimes comes with that. And I think it’s too bad, but I do think that feminism has become in many ways a more negative word. You know, there are amazing opportunities all over the world for women, and I think that there is more good that comes out of positive energy around that than comes out of negative energy.
Insert feminists freaking out here.
Feministing’s Chloe Angyal wrote her own little nasty-gram to Mayer, saying, “Marissa, it is too bad that feminism has become a negative word. You know what’s also too bad? Your failure to acknowledge that without feminism, you could never have become the CEO of Yahoo.”
Sounds kinda’ like Obama saying that people’s success isn’t their own but they all belong to liberals in government who make all things possible.
Joan Walsh of Salon, wrote to Mayer, “Leave feminism alone!”
Katie Baker of Jezebel said, “We can’t force Mayer to identify with the feminist movement, but it’s irresponsible for her to pretend that equality for women in tech isn’t still a huge issue.”
Instead of just acknowledging that a woman rose to great heights, they tear at her because she’s unwilling to bend the knee to the word “feminism.” It’s almost like they’re not interested in equal rights as much as they are accruing power for feminism.
Funny thing is that if she had stood up when she got the job as CEO and said she was aborting her baby, they’d all be shouting her praise.
July 20, 2012 at 4:23 am
Doesn't Mayer realize that her womb isn't there to provide new life, but only to help her get advantages and to subjugate men?
To radical feminists, wombs are like nuclear weapons: you have 'em, but you are never supposed to use 'em, and it would be best to just disarm 'em.
July 20, 2012 at 5:01 am
Women's worst enemies are other women.
July 20, 2012 at 5:18 am
I agree with Amy, that women's worst enemies are other women. Mayer should be proud of her accomplishments. She has shown what using your talent and working hard can do for you-and that applies to both sexes.
July 20, 2012 at 5:19 am
I agree with Amy, that women's worst enemies are other women. Mayer should be proud of her accomplishments. She has shown what using your talent and working hard can do for you-and that applies to both sexes.
July 20, 2012 at 5:19 am
I agree with Amy, that women's worst enemies are other women. Mayer should be proud of her accomplishments. She has shown what using your talent and working hard can do for you-and that applies to both sexes.
July 20, 2012 at 3:25 pm
"Your failure to acknowledge that without feminism, you could never have become the CEO of Yahoo."
"You built a business, well, you didn't do that alone."
Why is individual achievement such a negative experience for a certain kind of liberal?
July 20, 2012 at 7:49 pm
I feel a lot like Mayer. I'm a college student who is hoping to one day get my PhD and be successful in the work force and I also want to have a husband and children. I sort of want to 'have it all' but I would certainly not consider myself a feminist just because some of the other things they stand for are not helpful to women(i.e. abortion). I believe in equality but I do not believe in feminism.
July 22, 2012 at 6:59 pm
Of course, if not for the "Progressives'" (i.e. Regressives) precious Renaissance, that brought back Roman (i.e. "in a nutshell, Pakistani") conceptions of the role of women, there would never have been a need for feminism. 12th-century Frenchwomen owned property, practiced trades, filed lawsuits, and voted. Why? One-third Gaulish Celtic custom, two-thirds Catholic teachings.
In the High Middle Ages (c. 1100-1300, or say the First Crusade to the Black Plague), women were taught to read just as often as men, and they bought more books. A common motif in devotional art was "the child Mary at her lessons", even though 1st Century Jews didn't generally teach their daughters to read.
Please recall that prior to Christianity, Roman girls basically didn't have first names, since most families only had one daughter (who went by the feminine of the clan-name, e.g. Julia, Claudia, Flavia), and left any other daughters born out for the wolves. The lucky ones got picked up by brothels. Even those daughters who weren't killed had no legal rights at all, but were completely at the disposal of their husbands and fathers, who could kill them without penalty on the slightest pretext.
Hey feminists, you know what's really too bad? Your failure to acknowledge that without the Catholic Church, you would essentially have the same rights as a paperweight.