Oh boy. CNN nutjob Piers Morgan is sounding the call for conspiracy nuts. Man, what won’t this guy do for ratings? Concerning Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, Morgan tweeted:
As a Catholic, I’m not buying this. Popes don’t just quit because they’re tired. What’s going on here??
The responses he’s receiving are even more lunatic than Morgan, if you can believe it.
The Pope is 85. Health reasons are not a logical reach, folks.
And just recently, he’s doubled down with another tweet, saying:
The Queen’s a year older than The Pope. Can’t see her ever resigning because she’s tired. #indefatigability1infallibility0
February 12, 2013 at 12:48 am
Can't believe they let him on TV. He could compete with some of the best on Fox.
February 12, 2013 at 2:01 am
Thhis ihs yhou ahdmitting yhou nhever whatched Fhox, Thom.
February 12, 2013 at 4:01 am
Poor pitiful Piers prates preciously.
God bless Papa Ratzi and Queen Elizabeth, two of the very few GROWN UP heads of state.
February 12, 2013 at 11:30 am
'Let him who has wisdom count the number of his name….666
Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the son of God) adds up to 666 in any language.
Anti Christ does not mean against Christ. In Greek Anti means substitute or the instead of Christ…..Get the picture now?
February 12, 2013 at 6:34 pm
Is "Vicar of the son of God" one of the pope's titles? The phrase certainly describes Peter. The popes who succeeded Peter have the title "Vicar of Peter".
Meanwhile the number 666 fits the Roman Emperor Nero to a tee and Emperor Nero certainly styled himself a god, which popes don't.
There certainly do exist phrases that describe Peter Sanderson from which cabalists could extract the number 666…
February 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm
February 12, 2013 at 9:22 pm
Piers is a Catholic? He sure kept that a secret. He trots it out for the sake of looking like an insider for his show while displaying his ignorance.
What does the Queen do anyway? Go for tea and cut ribbons at community centres? Where is her list of books published?
February 12, 2013 at 9:24 pm
The Queen knows who will replace her, and she has a strong sense of duty. She shall soldier on. Age has improved Charles, but England needs him to improve as much as possible before he sits on the throne.
The pope has more reason to hope.
On the other hand, and on a slightly more conspiratorial note, I often wonder how much power the pope actually has with all the bureaucracy around him. The Vatican often seems like a golden cage, especially given the allegedly traditionalist nature of Benedict and the progressive tendency to infiltrate every organization and then try to pervert it from the inside.
Perhaps he's tired of finding out his correspondence has been hidden in a desk drawer whenever the content is found to be unappealing.
February 12, 2013 at 10:54 pm
Vicarius Filii Dei is not and never has been a papal title. I do wish the Adventists would stop their lies and calumny. I have refuted this countless times to those bigots.
February 13, 2013 at 12:24 am
In Greek "ἀντί" (Greek is written in a different alphabet, did you know, Mr. Sanderson?) means: against, simultaneously with, in exchange for, for the sake of, instead of, and compared with. Greek gets more work from its prepositions than Caribbean creoles get out of "fi".
Also, aside from, as cestusdei says, "Vicarius Filii Dei" not being the Pope's title (Vicarius Christi, yes, but those are not the same—certainly not numerologically), "Vicarius" means substitute, proxy, and deputy. In titles, mostly those last two, as you probably should've realized.
As for adding up to 666 "in any language"…really? Let us leave to one side the doubtful legitimacy of numerology for Christians, your system of numerology is un-Biblical, and dates from the era of the Talmud's composition.
And do tell, little man, how you derive "666" from "Vicar of the Son of God" written in Japanese. You do know how to write that, right? And of course you are an expert on the numerological interpretation of kanji, right?
(Also, "the sign of the Beast is 666" is not numerology at all, just a pun—the Aramaic alphabet was used for numbers, as well as letters, just like the Hebrew, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets are, and in Aramaic numerals, "666" spells the word "Kaesar Neron"…which is Greek for "Emperor Nero".)
February 13, 2013 at 4:52 am
Ooh, and I forgot the most basic of objections to Mr. Sanderson's tinfoil hat ramblings. Namely, "while 'ἀντί' has all those senses in Classical Greek, Koine Greek—the creole of the Alexandrian Empire, in which the New Testament was composed—lost most of the secondary senses of its prepositions". Thus, "ἀντίχριστός" means "against the anointed one", and only that.
February 13, 2013 at 10:43 pm
Piers fancies himself a Catholic and trots that out whenever he has something critical to say about Catholicism. He believes it lends credibility to whatever spews forth from his mouth.By his own words he reveals his ignorance.
February 13, 2013 at 11:31 pm
Piers is a Catholic like the 50% of Catholics who voted for Obama.