Hillary Clinton levelled a bizarre attack on Barack Obama using the word of his kindergarten teacher that he wrote a theme entitled, “I want to be President When I Grow Up.”

Besides being the weirdest political attack…ever, I had a couple of questions.

Number One – If we’re judging people by what they wrote in their “themes” then we’d have to assume that Ralphie from “A Christmas Story” is now the President of the NRA because he wanted a Red Rider BB Gun.

Number Two – As Obama was in Indonesia as a kindergartner, do we really know what country he was even talking about becoming President of?

Number Three – I’ve had two kids in Kindergarten. At that time they were writing “Pat Sat on the Cat.” And usually there were some mistakes in there. What kindergarten assigns themes to write what you want to be when you grow up. This isn’t really ringing true at all.

Hillary is clearly seeing something in the polls that she doesn’t like because this is not the action of a calm inevitable candidacy.