I’m just throwing it out there. I think John McCain may still win this thing and if so this may go down as the “Refuse to Respond” election.
It’s not just a hunch. Here are my three main reasons.
1) I believe that polls are largely overestimating the number of Democrats over Republicans who are going to vote in this election. Many of the polls are being weighted with a 6-10 percent advantage for Democrats in this election, which would be unprecedented. Pollsters are supposed to base their polls on past activity but it seems in this case they’re basing their numbers on the excitement they see in the media and Obama’s press releases. So the pollsters think it’s possible due to the overwhelming excitement surrounding Obama that the youth (who never vote) will finally show up in massive numbers. Now, the early voting numbers don’t bear this out but we’ll see.
Palin has energized the base in a way that pollsters haven’t caught onto yet. You’d think that her rallies with 20,000 people in small towns would clue them in but the pollsters are too busy calling her a drag on the ticket. I think that because of Palin and a very legitimate fear of Obama, Republicans are going to vote in strong numbers.
2) In many of the polls there are still a great swath of “undecideds” who I suspect will break overwhelmingly for McCain. Look, after $600 million in advertising and glorious and unquestioning media coverage for The One, if you’re not for Obama yet, I don’t think you’re going to get there over the weekend. If you’ve resisted HIM so far I don’t see you pulling the lever on election day.
3) And then you have this internal McCain memo from The Atlantic:
We have merged all of our interviews over the last three plus weeks to identify undecided and respondents who “refuse to respond” on the ballot question. This can be as high as one out of ten voters, but is generally about eight percent (8%) of the electorate in battleground states.
These voters might generally be non-voters in most cycles. But, in this cycle, 61% describe their interest in the election as a 10. This is higher than the last track among ALL voters in 1996 and 2000.
These voters are older, downscale, more rural, and are certainly economically stressed. They are quite negative about the direction of country and seek change. They voted for Bush over Kerry by a margin of 47% to 24% and this partisan advantage is a critical element to understanding our capacity to “get” these voters.
They have significant hesitations about Senator Obama’s experience and judgment.
Given an Obama TV media barrage we have not witnessed since the last candidate to run without public financing, Richard Nixon in 1972, and the daily drumbeat about Obama’s chances, given their demographics, it is my sense these voters WILL vote in this election and WILL break decisively in our direction.
These undecided/refuse to respond voters breaking decisively against Senator Obama mirrors the pattern of the last two months of the Democrat primary season.
When they do break, I believe they will add a net three plus points to our margins.
Does anybody think that people who are for Obama are refusing to respond? If what I’m saying is true then you could possibly have a swing of 6-7 percent on election day between the refuse to responds and the “undecideds” breaking for McCain as well as Republicans showing up in greater numbers than pollsters suspect.
So, in short, get out and vote. That’s the only poll that counts.
November 1, 2008 at 3:14 am
Let’s not forget the latent racism in the Democratic Party Good Ol’ Boy system. Democrats expect minorities to vote as they are told, not to hold significant office themselves. The Republican Party is, after all, the party of Lincoln and the party of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Republican administrations are genuinely diverse, not showcase-diverse. Democrat propaganda is very Orwellian in lying about all this.
— Mack
November 1, 2008 at 11:37 am
“Does anybody think that people who are for Obama are refusing to respond?” Don’t you know, it’s not COOL to vote for McCain;) I’ve heard several people now state the same as you have, which gives me a lot of hope. And yes, I voted this week!!
November 1, 2008 at 2:37 pm
Oh how I hope you’re right. We’ve done our part, now sitting back to pray. Going to be a very nerve wracking four days. I remember being fairly stressed in 2004, as that was also very close. I’ve been trying to play it cool, but I am much more anxious this time.
November 2, 2008 at 2:28 am
I am comforted by the fact that in the end the loss of a single election to theocratic right does not mean the end of all progress. The progression of science and reason is inexorable, and even though our country may lag behind it will make it in the end.
November 2, 2008 at 3:59 am
Wow, Ben! Are you starting a scarecrow factory with all that straw you’ve got there? Try reading something first — like maybe Fides et Ratio — and get back to us when you’re better informed.
November 2, 2008 at 7:18 pm
McCain Wins!
November 2, 2008 at 8:26 pm
Also: Three Things the Obamedia will do to depress the Republican turnout and help Obamah
November 3, 2008 at 12:36 am
I have doubts about your analysis but I hope you are right. Moreover, if Catholics vote in accordance with Church teaching, McCain will win. The polls say this won’t happen, that Catholics will vote just like other Americans. Only the final numbers will reveal whether the polls are right.
There are many bishops who have been less than forceful in taking on pro-abortion politicians. Mahoney is one of them. On the other hand, other bishops are becoming increasingly vocal on this issue, and I think this is a trend that will carry forward into the future.
We should all fast and pray over the next 48 hours.
November 3, 2008 at 3:10 pm
Moreover, if Catholics vote in accordance with Church teaching, McCain will win.
If Catholics voted in accordance with Church teaching, McCain never would have won the GOP primary. So we already know that Catholics don’t vote in accordance with Church teaching.