Have you heard that Cardinal Bevilacqua was investigated for shuffling priests during the clergy abuse scandal?
Well, if you read any of the press reports of the Cardinal’s death, that might just be all you know about him. Oh yeah, and he died yesterday too.
The AP’s lede went like this:
Church leaders called on parishioners Wednesday to pray for the soul of retired Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, who led them for more than 15 years but was also an uncharged central figure in a child sex-abuse case that involves the alleged shuffling of predator priests.
And in the story itself 14 of the 32 paragraphs contain references to the sex abuse scandal.
STL Today had their story on Bevilacqua entitled: “Bevilacqua leaves sad, mixed legacy amid sex abuse.”
CNN ran a headline:
Cardinal in scandal-hit Philadelphia dies at 88
I’m not attempting to diminish the horrors of the sex abuse scandal but the Cardinal Bevilacqua lived a long life. 80 years. And once again, he wasn’t charged with anything. Yet nearly half of the story is about the abuse scandal in which he was uncharged.
Cardinal Bevilacqua was head of the implementation of the norms of Ex Corde Ecclesiae. He was also head of pro-life activities for the USCCB. Aren’t those issues worth exploring? Or is it just too easy to whack the Church? Again?
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