The Army is ordering soldiers to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so they can better understand and empathize with pregnant soldiers.
Come on. If this doesn’t scream to you that the end is near you’re just not listening.
Army enlisted leaders all over the world are being ordered to take the Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Exercise Leaders Course, according to Fox News.
I was honestly hoping that this was some kind of practical joke right up until the moment the video ended. But it’s not. America is giving a come hither stare to our own doom.
February 18, 2012 at 3:34 am
Thanks Brian for the sanity check. It is needed here. Kenyan…Really? Hate much?
February 18, 2012 at 9:02 am
As someone who has led physical training before, I agree with Brian. If men are expected to lead mixed-gender PT, we need to be trained for how to make PT effective for females.
Regarding force-shrinking panic: we don't fight wars in the same way that they did in WWI/WWII, so why should we base our current force requirements on the forces used in those wars? I'll take two aircrew with smart munitions over a battalion of infantry any day.
February 18, 2012 at 3:39 pm
Why is it hatred to call the president a Kenyan? I'm Kenyan, I've never heard it used as an insult. His father was Kenyan and Kenyans are generally proud to claim a US President as one of our countrymen. Christian Kenyans who understand his agenda on abortion and birth control are less proud. I'd include myself in that category, but I don't understand why you are saying it is hatred to call him Kenyan. Actually, yours is the more insulting post because you assume being called Kenyan is insulting.
February 18, 2012 at 4:15 pm
I have to agree with Edmund. If I was in charge of organizing PT and had post-partum soldiers in a unit, I would want to have a better understanding of the challenges to be worked through. It makes sense…I guess I'm just not listening to the "end" that is approaching
February 18, 2012 at 4:47 pm
Why do we have post partum soldiers in the first place? We're playing stupid PC games that are going to people killed. War is not a tea party.
February 18, 2012 at 5:06 pm
The primary raison d'etre of the military is to wage and win wars. Not to babysit. Not to bear any resemblance to a family (other than a reflection of familial brotherhood among men at arms). Anything other than that is a distraction. This video is just a small silly example.
The way "WE" fight wars now has nothing at all to do with the threat we face, nor does it have anything to do with how the enemy will wage war. Time and time again we've been unprepared and paid the price. (Think Chinese pouring over the North Korean border and absolutely wiping the floor with us.)
Anyone who thinks we can keep our country (and allies) safe from a large determined foe (or alliance of foes) using some drones, JDAMs and some Tomahawks is part of the problem.
Among other things, this premise relies on air supremacy – something we are in grave danger of not being able to achieve against any serious foe.
In a year or two Iran will have nuclear weapons, a religions command to use them against the US and Israel, and intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver them. Keep in mind these are missile that we can NOT stop thanks to the gutting of our BMD capability and Obama's cow towing to the Russians. Ok- sure we could hit one here of there, but how many nukes do we want going off in the US? (All the tip of the iceberg. One threat among dozens!)
The fact is that we are EXTREMELY under-prepared for anything but counterinsurgency ops. We are loosing the troops, the planes, the ships, the tanks. You name it. All worn out and not getting replaced.
It's a good idea to know your (military and geo-political) history before you start playing sky-general.
February 23, 2012 at 4:53 pm
Why do people have a problem with this? I'm a military officer and don't see what the problem is. Pregnancy is a big issue in the Army. There are a lot of single parents, couples that just get married to to get the extra money and then get pregnant, and insensitivity towards women who are pregnant. It used to be that if you were pregnant in the Army your chance of moving on is over. Now they are making sure that they don't abandoned these women. The people doing this course are people in positions that deal with physical training and health for those soldiers that are pregnant. Some of them are even medical personnel who treat pregnant women. Stop making such a big deal out of this.