This protest outside the Scripps Spelling Bee was covered by the mainstream media. The protest was two or three people urging that English words should be made less difficult to spell. They said words like “enough” should be spelled “enuff.” And it received coverage!:
But a protest this weekend against a mega mosque being built near the site of the World Trade Center was largely ignored by the media:
Wait. The coverage that the protest did receive wasn’t totally accurate even. CNN did a story about the protest and reported that about 200 people were present. I ask you, does this look like 200 people? Newsday had it at about 350. Gimme a break.
At some point we all just have to say enuff.
Update: Atlas Shrugs has all the information you might want about the mega-mosque being built near the WTC site.
If you’re interested in more info on the word spelling protesters see Gormogons.
June 8, 2010 at 5:26 am
I know what you mean! I sat listening to a story on something like NPR for more than a minute and I thought, where was the coverage of the March for Life? Hmmmmm? It's like it didn't happen.
June 8, 2010 at 2:28 pm
Ugh. Spelling bee protesters. What a bunch of idiots, who seem to think that everyone says every word exactly the same way. A pure phonetic spelling would divide English, as each regional dialect would have different spellings for numerous words.
If people would just learn WHY words are spelled the way they are, by learning word roots and origins, there wouldn't be such an issue. My 4 year old can handle it (Latin and Greek flash cards at breakfast), and the kids are so excited when they can recognize a word origin ("that must be Greek because…") There's a reason spelling bee contestants ask word origin.
The coverage disparity isn't surprising. Every idiotic protest of anything seen as upholding something that might even resemble, in any way, a slightly "traditional value" will get covered, even if there are only 2 protesters.
June 8, 2010 at 2:49 pm
He forgot the neighbor and weigh part. The "mess" is the way texters spell on text messages. Another generation and there will be no more spelling bees.
June 8, 2010 at 3:58 pm
What were the real numbers?
By the video, I would estimate 1500-2000.
June 8, 2010 at 5:04 pm
The media is a filthy stinking whore of this pinko commie Islamic leaning regime that is why it avoided the protest about the trophy mosque. It also favors easy spelling because that would make it's job less challenging.
June 8, 2010 at 11:33 pm
English spelling is hard? Try German, Chinese, French, Finnish …
June 9, 2010 at 4:12 am
German is very phonetic, once you know the rules. French is just bizarre. No clue how they came up with that spelling. It's what happens when you try to teach barbarians Latin.
June 10, 2010 at 2:40 am
If we're doing everything phonetically, there should only be one.
Re: the "MSM", let the dead bury the dead. I can count on one hand the people I know who listen to them anymore. Its just like Pravda was 40 yrs ago, everyone knows they're lying.
June 10, 2010 at 5:59 pm
Hum… pravda = msm … yep it computes!
June 11, 2010 at 12:30 am
"It also favors easy spelling because that would make it's job less challenging. "
There's a certain irony in that grammatical error, given the tenor of the comment. Surely it should be 'its job' (without the apostrophe)?